Construction Sustainability in 2023

Construction and sustainability haven’t always been the best of mates. However in 2023, eco-friendly isn’t some new idea or a passing fad. Using more sustainable practices should be adopted by all companies if not already in use. There is more than enough data and examples of climate change to make even the staunchest critics think twice about their environmental impact. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We’ve heard these words used over and over again. But what else can your company be doing to be more “Green”?

Start with these four steps to get your company started with more sustainable practices:

Adopt Sustainable Materials

One of the most significant ways to make the construction industry more sustainable is by adopting sustainable materials. This includes using materials that have a lower environmental impact, such as recycled materials or materials that are produced in a sustainable manner. Upcycling is becoming more and more popular. Using found materials and giving items a ‘second life’ are methods we see buyers wanting more and more of.

Reducing Waste

The construction industry generates a significant amount of waste. By implementing waste reduction strategies, like reusing and recycling materials, contractors can reduce their environmental impact and lower costs. Material distributors can reduce waste by using data-backed inventory purchasing models to help predict what items will be in demand in the future. As an example, knowing what materials landscape architects and designers are using for upcoming projects helps nurseries predict what to plant and when.

Incorporating Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient design and construction can significantly reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Contractors can incorporate energy-efficient features, such as insulation, solar panels, and efficient heating and cooling systems, into their estimates. Purchasing new electric vehicles (EVs) or battery powered tools and equipment can also greatly reduce your company’s carbon footprint.

Takeoff Monkey illustration of team discussing sustainability for their business.

Educating Clients

Educate others about the environmental impact of your projects and the benefits of sustainable practices. Contractors can work with clients to develop sustainable solutions that meet their needs while reducing their environmental impact. Create and share case studies of sustainable projects you’ve completed to market to other eco-friendly projects.

Green building practices, like using sustainable materials, reducing energy use, and minimizing waste, can help to reduce the environmental impact of construction projects. Contractors can incorporate green building practices into their estimates and encourage clients to prioritize sustainability. Build FOMO (the fear of missing out) by talking to prospecting clients about your completed sustainable projects. Rave about all the savings your previous clients had because of their sustainable decisions. You’ll have clients chomping at the bit to hear more of your eco-friendly ideas for their project.

Takeoff Monkey blog illustration of data in use in graphs and tables on tablet.

Making the construction estimating industry more sustainable requires a commitment to sustainable practices and a willingness to prioritize the environment. Businesses have to practice what they preach and adopt their own sustainable practices before pushing for their clients to do so. By adopting sustainable materials, reducing waste, incorporating energy efficiency, implementing green building practices, and educating clients, the industry can significantly reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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